Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cool Tool #3

Well it is week 3 and I thought I would try and combine my major project into my cool tool this week!

This week I worked with Haiku Deck.  This is a nice and simple way to make a presentation without using the boring old power point.  Here you can use more variations of slides and animation to make presenting a topic a little easier and presentable.  This website is easy to share your ideas in different ways, and also to make the presentation personal to some extent.  You have the freedom to create your own kind of slides and material that you would want to share. For the the free version of the Haiku Deck all your creations are shared to the public, but you have the freedom to put tags on them and share them with specific groups such as a science, art and crafts, etc.  If you pay to upgrade you can put more privacy onto your creations.

For this week I decided to use this to show a little knowledge and create a very simple how to presentation of how to make a simple flip book! Check it out at My Page.  Also check out this super simple diagram of how I started my Major Project...

This would be a fun and creative tool to use in a class room, I remember growing up with a lot of my teachers always using power point to make presentations.  And when we had class projects we would have to use power points to then present our findings and projects to the class.  This was such a boring way to do things, with this tool you can the presentations much better. Add more creativity and the kids own sense of personality to the slides.  It is a super simple and easy way to get kids involved and also keep them connected.  Students can use and create their own, and you can use them to teach in the class room.

Check it out yourself by clicking here and start working on your own presentations now!! Haiku Deck

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