Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Summary of Learning

End of the semester!! To sum up most of all that we learned this semester I used a concept map called Coggle.  I choose to use this tool because it was easy to layout all the different aspects that I wanted to talk about.  The coggle has an open display of the different main topics of the course, that I thought were most important.  My summary of learning is a display of all main topics, and then what I learned and thought was most valuable in each topic.  Using this artifact help me to have an array and show the main concepts and then details of each of them.  This was an easy way to make sure all my thoughts were visible.

In this class I learned a lot about different aspects that technology can make an impact in the classroom.  My biggest takeaway would be that of the formative assessments and usage of technology to understand that and for grading.  I am a very personal person, who likes that individual time with student, so being able to have technology that gets me to have more time with my students will be great!  Since formative assessment should be done everyday, it opened my eyes to all the different options there are to assessing my students.  Using online programs and tool that will help with assessments are improving and will help to gain an even better grasp of what my student are and are not understanding.  Having my students use technology will not only benefit me as teacher but also them as students.  Technology is making it better for students to share, collaborate, and even learn.  Students have more opportunities for expanding their learning to more than just the classroom.  I plan on using technology in a mainly student centered classroom to make sure that my students are getting a good understanding of the content.  With technology constantly changing, it is giving students more options and more ways to learn something.  There are more tools that can assist students with specific content and specific ways of learning it.

This class was an interesting class, that opened my eyes to many things that I thought technology was not the best for.  Adding techonlogy into the classroom in today's society seems to be the best way to improve my teaching and also to improve my classes learning.  It helps to relate to students and helps students to relate to each other, and not just within a certain class but all across the world!!

Check out my Summary of Learning Project!

Good luck to everyone on their finals!! 

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